Surety Bonds
Selecting a Professional Surety Agent
A reliable source of SURETY BOND support is vital for any contractor wishing to pursue work which requires a bond to guarantee the faithful performance of a contract or other contractual obligation. Very few insurance agents offer the level of in-depth experience that is necessary to professionally service a contractor’s bond needs.
The professional surety agent can also play an important role in the contractor’s business; acting as an external trusted advisor to help build and strengthen the relationship with the surety, as well as offer other observations of issues which affect your business. The National Association of Surety Bond Producers offers some suggestions on what to look for when selecting an agent.
- Is your agent respected for his word and reputation within the surety and construction industry?
- Has he developed solid relationships with Surety Bond Underwriters and Executives?
- Has he demonstrated a proven record of dedication to the contractor’s success?
- Does he understand the dynamics of the construction industry and your business?
- Can he analyze financial statements and offer constructive recommendations?
- Is he knowledgeable of construction law and how it may apply to your business?
- Is he a resource to other professionals who can serve the needs of construction companies?
- Can he demonstrate a broad awareness of issues which are important to the success of a construction company?
- Is he experienced in a broad spectrum of business planning and with human resource issues?
- Is he involved with trade associations and committed to construction trade associations?
Professional Services
In addition to serving as your Counselor and Advocate, we will also provide the following services as a Professional Surety Agent:
- Prompt and confidential review of your surety bond needs, financial condition, and operations.
- Honest recommendations on how to improve your surety bond capacity and relationship.
- Prompt response to bond requests and the delivery of surety bonds.
- Clear and effective communication to facilitate compliance with underwriting requirements.
- Access to top-rated Surety Companies and field Underwriters, as well as Home Office Executives.
Select an insurance company and agent you can trust and ones who have the integrity, expertise, and knowledge that will help your business be successful!